

Digital Bros’ Remuneration Policy has been designed with the aim of guaranteeing a remuneration structure that recognizes professional values of key employees and balances fixed and variable components in order to create long-term value and to match the remuneration with specified performance goals.

The Remuneration Policy of Executive Directors and Key Managers is inspired by the following principles: 

  • the fixed component and the variable component of remuneration are adequately balanced based on the Company’s strategic objectives related to its business field and the characteristics of the activities it conducts; 
  • the short-term variable component is mainly based on financial year results;
  • the performance targets are defined, measurable and aimed to create value for the Shareholders in the short and medium-long term;
  • no compensation for the early termination of the relationship or the failure to renew it are provided in the Remuneration Policy neither for Directors nor key managers; 
  • the non-executive directors’ remuneration is fixed and it is decided during the Board approving the Remuneration, parting what decided from the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Incentive Plans

2021-2027 Medium-Long Term Monetary Incentives Plan

On June 15th, 2021 the Shareholders’ Meeting approved the “2021-2027 Medium-Long Term Monetary Incentives Plan”, in favour of the Executive Directors and the top management of Digital Bros Group.

2016-2026 Stock Option Plan

On January 11th, 2017 the Shareholders’ Meeting approved the “Stock options plan 2016-2026”, reserved for a restricted number of Directors and managers of the Company.