Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage

Please find below details on latest researches on Digital Bros S.p.A.

BrokerAnalystE-mailTarget PriceRatingLast update
BPM S.p.A – Specialist Andrea Bonfàandrea.bonfa@bancaakros.it13.0 €Neutral03/07/2025
MidCap Partners Charles-Louis Planade  charles-louis.planade@tpicap.com21.0 €Buy03/07/2025
StifelDiego Estebandiego.esteban@stifel.com19.0€Buy03/07/2025

Equity Researches are available on Borsa Italiana website.


Consensus (€ m)FY25FY26
EBITDA 36.648.0
EBIT  1.719.0
Net financial position (20.5)0.9

Consensus based on estimates from the three analysts covering the stock as per the latest update on March 7, 2025.